Here I am, a rabbit hearted girl.


This is not the end.

LOST for me is the beauty of tragedy and the love that escapes the corners of it. It is the thought of whether Love can transcend death or if it's just something we're in love with. We're so in love with love that we search for it in movies, literature and television in hopes of grasping a map of it in our hands. Is this the way we're supposed to hold each other? Is this how it should feel? LOST for me is loneliness in feeling a feeling that seems to escape the minds of others. It is the warm, bittersweet feeling of the end, enveloped in hope and redemption and fear. It is how your dog will lay beside you even in death; dogs having no purpose unless that purpose is you. It is beautiful and nothing hurt. It is waking up to realize everything that ever truly mattered is in your hands. It's Love transcending death and overtaking it fully. It is a something place instead of a nothing place. It is everything we ever secretly hoped for and all that we never understood we wanted. It is beautiful, plain and simple, nothing less than poetic in it's beginning, middle and end. We don't fully understand the Island as we don't fully understand the Universe itself and all of this is ok with me, I think. Should we learn our purpose or is our purpose found in each other? It worked.