I've all but given up on the 30 Day Challenge. It began to bore me (as things tend to do) and kept me away from here in guilt. The next one I was to do asked me to choose a best friend. How should I do that though? I've always hated that term. Do I choose the person that knows more about me and my quirks than should be allowed, but is my significant other so of course (matt) or the person who has supported me since I was fifteen, who it's hard for me to relate to these days but whose son I consider my nephew (melissa), or the person with whom I share a "bff meter" who has been there for me many times over the recent years (manny) or the person who may be newer than the rest but I relate to most and can hold endless conversations with about the things we believe and both feel passionately about (shaunna)? I have a few others who are good for talking too. I mean, who ever came up with the term "best friend" anyway? What were they trying to prove?
Another wanted to know my favorite recipe. I make my scrambled eggs in the microwave.
I'm anxious to get that new lens. I think it will be wonderful to have on 4th of July given what i've heard about its response to low light situations.
Back to Pride & Prejudice. I know this is everyone with a vagina's favorite book but I'm just not getting it yet. Maybe later.